The result of analysis shows that this instrument is entirely free of the effect of personal equation, and the precision of observation is high.
Of course, judging by the number of women (and men) sniffing shampoo in the personal-care aisle of the drugstore, fragrance is a big part of the shampoo equation.
The coefficient variables between medical organization and personal income came into the regression equation were 0.348 and 0.208 respectively.
The regression equation between personal strength attribution, trust, and interpersonal relationship attribution is significant.
A multitude of personal, often very complicated psychological factors, as well as the effectiveness of one's market analysis, enter into the equation.
A parallel solution method is proposed for the simulation of the elliptic mild slope equation and implemented on a personal computer cluster.
But with the introduction of powerful personal computer and broad electronic networks — the co-ordination technologies of the 21 century — the economic equation changes.
But with the introduction of powerful personal computer and broad electronic networks — the co-ordination technologies of the 21 century — the economic equation changes.