Please click here for the personal profile of the HUF recipients.
Provides personal profile, news and announcements, and online polls.
Please enter your user-ID and email address as stored in your personal profile.
The Personal Profile is built on top of the Foundation Profile to run on high-end PDAs.
个人概要文件构建在基础概要文件之上,以便在高端PD A上运行。
You may wish to keep this training record in your personal profile for future reference.
Enter your personal profile in the online e-recruitment system to apply for a listed position.
To access your personal profile, passwords, and certificates, please choose your profile from the list below.
Overall, the Personal Profile offers mature security solutions that are similar to those for J2SE applications.
Some recommender systems require the user to manually enter a personal profile of interests, preferences, or expertise.
Communicator stores information about your Settings, preferences, bookmarks, and stored messages in your personal profile.
For some highly competitive jobs such as the media or advertising you could include a personal profile at the start of the CV.
For example, a Web application may decide to generate new JSPs for each user that registers and creates his or her personal profile.
Unlike Anti's, however, the page for the puppy doesn't violate Facebook's policies because it's not meant to be a personal profile page.
CV of Chief Designer (Planner), Copy of his Professional Qualification Certificate and Design Creation, Personal Profile of Other Designer (s).
Today, Facebook announced new privacy settings which let you selectively open up portions of your personal profile to everyone on the Facebook social network.
And if we did, there is also a FOAF-based option: FOAFCorp, which adds elements related to corporate structure to the core personal profile information in FOAF.
Existing members of the "elite dating site" rate how attractive potential members are over a 48 hour period, after applicants upload a recent photo and personal profile.
In this system, you as our candidate, can search for job opportunities, build up and maintain personal profile, submit job applications, and view application status.
I don't know why, After I deleted my photos today, my personal profile can't be displayed, Furthermore, my account can't log in. So I registered an other new account.
A client, Web services consumer: This is the J2ME application, such as MIDP or Personal Profile-based application, a JSR 172 stub and supporting classes, and the JSR 172 runtime.
客户端,Web服务消费者:它是J2ME应用程序,例如MIDP或个人版基于框架的应用程序,JSR 172存根和支持类,以及JSR 172运行时。
You have two options: you can either use a branded profile with your company's logo, or you can opt to create a more personal profile that unites your own personal brand with that of the company.
A stunning 98 percent of mothers in the study uploaded photos of their infant to the site, and 80 percent of these mums had replaced their personal profile photo with a picture of their baby.
On her profile she describes herself as a yoga teacher and personal trainer.
Team members received a personal Team Management Profile report which gives them positive feedback about the way they prefer to work.
Team members received a personal Team Management Profile report which gives them positive feedback about the way they prefer to work.