The name of the transfer officer is Mr Peter Sands.
Peter Sands, the 44-year-old who has been finance director since 2002, will replace Mr Davies as chief executive.
The chief executive, Peter Sands, said the placing would put Standard Chartered in a stronger position when its Asian markets start to lead the world out of the global downturn.
渣打集团行政总裁冼博德(Peter Sands)表示,这项股票配售将会使渣打银行在它的亚洲市场开始引领世界走出全球衰退之时处于更为有利的地位。
The chief executive, Peter Sands, said the placing would put Standard Chartered in a stronger position when its Asian markets start to lead the world out of the global downturn.
渣打集团行政总裁冼博德(Peter Sands)表示,这项股票配售将会使渣打银行在它的亚洲市场开始引领世界走出全球衰退之时处于更为有利的地位。