She even interviews Pettit himself, through a psychic, eliciting the scoop that Mr Gregory "deceived" and Mr Fuld "covers his tracks better".
Get creative: Donate your phone to Rob Pettit, who creates his art work with recycled phones, or Joe McKay who makes high-tech sculptural pieces with old and damaged mobiles.
Wishing everyone on Earth, and off Earth, a good Thanksgiving," said Endeavour astronaut Donald Pettit, holding iced tea in a makeshift cup he had made from plastic covers of shuttle reference books.
祝愿地球上和地球之外的所有人节日快乐!” 他们用的塑料杯是唐纳德临时用太空飞船参考书的塑料封皮做的。
Wishing everyone on Earth, and off Earth, a good Thanksgiving," said Endeavour astronaut Donald Pettit, holding iced tea in a makeshift cup he had made from plastic covers of shuttle reference books.
祝愿地球上和地球之外的所有人节日快乐!” 他们用的塑料杯是唐纳德临时用太空飞船参考书的塑料封皮做的。