Soil available phosphorus, to a large degree, determines the content and distribution of soil glomalin.
The results showed that the established model of end phosphorus content in BOF process has good prediction ability.
Following with the exhaust test, the content of soil phosphorus storage of each treatment showed a declining tendency.
Abstract: phosphorus is one of the essential mineral elements to plant growth, however, there is fairly less content of soluble phosphorus in soil.
The adding level of phosphorus influences the content of calcium in bones.
The results showed that straw application increased crop yield, soil organic carbon accumulation, soil total nitrogen and phosphorus content as well as phosphorus activation.
Heavy granular superphosphate (GTSP) is a high concentration of water-soluble phosphate available, the available phosphorus content is SSP (SSP) of 2.5 ~ 3.0 times.
粒状重过磷酸钙(GTSP)是一种高浓度、水溶性的速效磷肥,其有效磷含量是普钙(ssp)的2.5 ~ 3.0倍。
Plant phosphorus content and phosphorus uptakes were increase with increase of phosphorus concentration, but plant phosphorus use-efficiency was reducing.
And usually request steel phosphorus content of less than 0.045%, lower request high quality steel.
While at grain filling stage, inorganic phosphorus content was obviously higher than that in the varieties with good grain plumpness.
Combined Genetic Algorithms (ga) and back-propagation neural network (BP), an optimized GA-BP model was established to predict phosphorus content. Some data were chosen to train the network model.
结合遗传算法(GA)和误差反馈型神经网络(BP),建立了优化的GA - BP神经网络预测模型,预测转炉炼钢过程钢液终点磷含量。
The ductile-embrittlement transition temperature of vermicular graphite cast iron increased with increasing phosphorus content both in the as-cast and annealed condition.
Phosphorus content in zinc phosphate is determined by phosphorus vanadium molybdate yellow colorimetric method.
Because of this, the above methods except MADAC are not necessary to be used in estimating the phosphorus content in samples from soil, pasture and livestock products in grassland ecology system.
Increasing the applying amount of nitrogen and phosphorus could all promoted nitrogen and phosphorus content in plants and total dry matter weight per unit area.
The phosphorus content of phytin was determined in molybdate-antimony-scandium color agent after it was digested by concentrated sulfuric acid and perchlorate, with its deviation of no over 5%.
The proposed approach is used successfully for the prediction of end phosphorus content in convert.
Compared with conventional electroless nickel plating process, the deposits obtained are greatly improved with higher phosphorus content, hardness, more compact and uniform microstructure.
Based on the process mineralogy research on improving iron concentrate grade and recovery, reduce the phosphorus content in iron ore concentrate is proposed.
After the analysis of EDS, the changing rules of coating ingredient with different parameters and the relation between phosphorus content and hardness were obtained.
Also provided by this invention are animal feed compositions that are supplemented with boron containing compounds and which have reduced phosphorus content.
The results showed that this model is good for prediction and control of end phosphorus content in BOF process.
Based on the data from field experiments, the phosphorus content and phosphorus accumulation of rice plants were analyzed, and phosphorus distributions in different parts of rice were studied as well.
Because of high phosphorus content in ore, the exploitation was handicapped by economic and technical conditions at that time and has not yet been exploited.
Scale and corrosion can be restrained effectively by treating circulating water by the reagent prescribed low phosphorus content and highly anti-scale and anti-corrosion components.
The results indicate that microcrystalline deposit with low phosphorus content has higher hardness, modulus and fatigue resistance than the amorphous deposit with high phosphorus content.
The obtained high-quality phosphate as a byproduct can be used as an animal food additive, and the phosphorus content is over 18%.
作为副产品同时制得的优质磷酸 盐动物饲料添加剂中,磷含量高达18%以上;
The results show such refining makes the end phosphorus content to meet the requirements for high quality steel, and product cost can be reduced.
With this method, the rate of dephosphorization reached 78.5% and the phosphorus content of the manganese ore dropped from 0.19% down to 0.04%.
The effects of double-row concave ridge and film mulching on phosphorus content in flue-cured tobacco leaves and soils were studied by field and laboratory experiments.