The hardness and its microhardness of medium phosphorus white cast iron are higher than those of the common white cast iron, but its impact toughness slightly decreases.
The Israeli military has denied using white phosphorus during the assault on Gaza, but aid agencies say they have no doubt it has been used.
Once white phosphorus is released into the air it rapidly oxidizes. The interaction creates heat and produces a yellow flame and thick white smoke.
Black phosphorus, made by heating the white form under pressure, is flaky like graphite.
This invention USES phosphorus residue, steelmaking slag and calcined plaster as components of the clinker-free white cement.
The cause has been explained that white phosphorus was mistaken for a mast stable simple substance.
The O-2s would sometimes fire small white phosphorus "Willie Pete" to mark the ground targets, and a few O-2s were even equipped with offensive rockets or small bomblets.
的O - 2有时会火小白磷“威利·皮特”,以标志地面目标,并几年O - 2,甚至配备了火箭队的进攻或小型炸弹。
The O-2s would sometimes fire small white phosphorus "Willie Pete" to mark the ground targets, and a few O-2s were even equipped with offensive rockets or small bomblets.
的O - 2有时会火小白磷“威利·皮特”,以标志地面目标,并几年O - 2,甚至配备了火箭队的进攻或小型炸弹。