We bought a Danish phrase book.
There is probably no phrase much more hackneyed than that of "human document," yet it is the only one which at all describes this very unusual book.
I had also once come across a phrase about a book “lying like a poleaxed wildebeest in the middle of my life.
All this has led to a new phrase in the book and newspaper industries: is this the "iPod moment"?
I rode to other hill towns on huge buses with my Aussie friends, and the last night we drank wine and wandered through the streets yelling phrase-book expressions at each other.
Mr Tenet's book would have had a better reception if he had spent less time justifying a phrase and more time explaining how to repair his damaged agency.
From the moment I wrote the first phrase I was sure the book was the tool that was going to help me free myself from things I was carrying within me for a long time.
She had not thought of that, but a name suggested by a phrase in the book of Genesis came into her head as she proceeded with the baptismal service, and now she pronounced it.
That quote comes from a book called the Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase.
IN his 1964 book “Understanding Media, ” Marshall McLuhan helped define the modern age with his phrase, “The medium is the message.”
Martin Fowler : A phrase I've coined for Kent's new book is monological thinking.
MartinFowler :Kent 在他的新书中与我不约而同地使用了同一个词——单一思考(monological thinking)。
A phrase book. This is similar to a dictionary, but for phrases. You can start memorizing full sentences and phrases, and you'll naturally learn the individual words.
He opened the book and found a phrase. He read the phrase slowly.
He opened the book and found a phrase.
TRAVELER'S PHRASE BOOK T-SHIRT If you are traveling a lot and don’t always know the language of the country you are visiting, then this T-shirt is for you.
Mandarin is the national language. Do you have a phrase-book?
The phrase was used in a 1938 headline in The Edwardsville Intelligencer to describe Corrigan's off-book flight.
It is important to use your own words, not just copy a phrase from the book.
Thus the inventors and distributors of this calculator get off to a poor start, with a Very Hard instruction book and a slovenly phrase.
Even when you are not sure how to pronounce some of the words, you can always show the book to the person you are talking to and point to the phrase or sentence you want to say.
Vivid social this "no phrase book" really read it talent increasingly that of value, and then converted to text, the more people like me.
Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrase-book.
At the end of each phrase book is a 2,000-word mini-dictionary.
Really gives a new meaning to the phrase "book worm."
Really gives a new meaning to the phrase "book worm."