It is detrimental to children's physical and mental development.
Physical and mental development vision and hearing were also examined.
So to the child's physical and mental development, must leave is not sound effects.
Conclusion Early intervention can effectively promote the physical and mental development of HIE children.
Objective To investigate the influence of system management made in high risk neonate's physical and mental development.
Computers are less helpful to children's study, and some people say computers have a negative effect on children's physical and mental development.
The American scholars revealed that the contribution of genes from parents is not equal with mother playing the dominant role in both physical and mental development.
In teaching practice, some teachers, because of insufficient study of psychological laws in teaching, have influenced negatively the students' physical and mental development and teaching results.
Therefore, the universal and sensitive topic of the pre-school children would have an extremely profound impact on the physical and mental development and the future periods of personality formation.
A child's development, both physical and mental, is stifled by a lack of iron.
Furthermore, the indulgence of children in computer games is very bad for their mental and physical healthy development.
Lead can harm mental and physical development even in babies before they are born.
Reducing nutritious food early in a child's life can affect mental and physical development and limit future earnings.
Nutrition is an important and a adjustable impact factor to individual health, For young people, it is not only affects the physical health, but also affect the mental development.
Results Mental development index(MDI) and physical development index(PDI) in early interventional group were significant higher than those in group 2(P<0.05, < 0.001).
Children are in growth and development, the methods such as pharmacotherapy, surgical operation, limotherapy and fast weight loss will affect their physical and mental health.
The report says even short-term price increases can have a long-term effect. Reducing nutritious food early in a child's life can affect mental and physical development and limit future earnings.
The development of evidence-based medicine and community medicine would contribute to improve the quality of life and physical and mental health of the elderly people.
The development of evidence-based medicine and community medicine would contribute to improve the quality of life and physical and mental health of the elderly people.