The constitution of the World Health Organization refers to the physical, mental and social aspects of our wellbeing, which are closely linked.
But because they aren't social, even in the limited way that requires some degree of human contact in the physical world, they will also never be an extension of your personality.
The poor man is wont to complain that this is a cold world; and to cold, no less physical than social, we refer directly a great part of our ails.
They carry on in the physical world, in the material and cultural vestiges we leave, as well as in the psychological and social effects we have on those around us.
This thesis probes into the variants in the mental, physical and social world between the English and the Chinese.
We keep on social practice that the physical world of aesthetic value.
Can we see — use some of the same methods that we've looked at for the physical world to look at the social world?
It holds that the choice of different vehicles, as a pragmatic strategy, actually results from the interadaptation with language users' physical world, social world and mental world.
Hedges are adopted as a strategy in preface writing to adapt to the author, social world, mental world and physical world.
Both physical dancing and social dancing are popular physical sports in the world, they have a powerful life force.
Both physical dancing and social dancing are popular physical sports in the world, they have a powerful life force.