Mathematics enthusiasts will this weekend be celebrating Pi day, which falls on 14 March in honour of the famous ratio's first few digits, 3.14.
The first Pi Day celebrations were held at the San Francisco Exploratorium when the now retired Larry Shaw decided the day was worth commemorating.
He said this one day last fall after accurately reciting PI to 100, 000 decimal places. It took him 16 hours.
One day, Tsau Pi called Tsau Jr into see him. He ordered his brother to make up a poem within the time it took to walk seven steps, adding that if he could not, his life would be in danger.
Austria Pi Yin knew that the Huo Yuanjia skill in wushu excels, in the competition before dawn, secretly flees Shanghai the same day.
Recults showed that 21-day-old male Luoman chickens inoculated with 1 000 and 5 000 sporulated oocysts of Emitis appeared normal 6 days PI and no lesions were observed in the intestines.
结果表明,21日龄雏鸡感染1 000个和5 000个孢子化卵囊未见异常表现,肠道未发现肉眼可见的病理变化。
Recults showed that 21-day-old male Luoman chickens inoculated with 1 000 and 5 000 sporulated oocysts of Emitis appeared normal 6 days PI and no lesions were observed in the intestines.
结果表明,21日龄雏鸡感染1 000个和5 000个孢子化卵囊未见异常表现,肠道未发现肉眼可见的病理变化。