He pulled to a stop behind a pickup truck.
They loaded about a ton of canned goods into the covered bed of a pickup truck.
A black pickup truck turned off a side road in front of him.
On average, the two million big stones weighed about as much as a large pickup truck.
As he watched, a pickup truck followed the van through the stoplight and slid sideways into the van, pinning the woman between the vehicles.
On a recent morning, Evers steered his pickup truck through a Central California almond grove, his drawling sales pitch at the ready.
His pickup truck, too, has been overturned and burned.
In many areas of the American West he still rides a horse, though he may carry it in a horse trailer behind his pickup truck to the point where the road gives out and a horse becomes indispensable.
The shortage was eventually remedied by an unlikely ally, when the local Republican Party drove up with a pickup truck filled with Rand Paul signs to meet the demand.
In the rural farming community of Enoch, Utah, the animal shelter's brick gas chamber USES carbon monoxide exhaust from an old pickup truck.
He prints out a detailed call list of prospective employers to take with him, squeezing in phone conversations during breaks throughout the day from his pickup truck, which he calls his “office.”
SITTING on her straw mat, Pisamai Poonsuk recalls how her family of ten fled their border village in a pickup truck soon after the shells began falling.
Pisamai Poonsuk坐在草席上,回想起炮弹落下后不久,她十口人的大家庭如何乘坐一辆敞篷小货车,逃离他们位于柬泰边境的村庄。
That cannot be, not with his wheelchair stacked high with all he owns, like a pickup truck.
It was only the size of a small pickup truck, and most of it would burn up in the atmosphere.
Saving bit by bit, she and her husband bought land, a pickup truck, a car, and a proper house for the family.
We both climbed into the cab of the pickup truck, where other hearts ambushed us.
About six weeks after he was paroled, he was drinking beer with a friend in the other man's pickup truck, with a gun rack in the back.
He'd lived in the same house for decades and drove an old pickup truck.
A rover prototype, the Space Exploration Vehicle, which is the size of a pickup truck, has a pressurised cabin in which crew can live for up to 14 days.
Eventually he found a ride on the back of a pickup truck already crowded with refugees heading toward the border.
One day a pickup truck filled with hunters drove up to the powerhouse.
And you get that reinforced on the very next page if you just skip over about a page from there: "a black pickup truck turned off a side road in front of him."
The house had no telephone, so they decided to drive the Smalley family’s pickup truck to a neighbor’s home to call 911.
General Motors delivers the world's first full-size hybrid pickup truck to Miami-Dade County during the tenth National Clean Cities Conference.
General Motors delivers the world's first full-size hybrid pickup truck to Miami-Dade County during the tenth National Clean Cities Conference.