The wild card in the picture is eastern Europe.
Each card then could contain different data in the text or picture fields, as in a database.
And on the front of the card was a picture, a cartoon, of a little boy wearing a hardhat and driving a tractor.
The card, with a picture of Brussels sprouts on the front, is made from potato starch paper and printed with food colouring instead of ink.
One time a candidate sent – I love this – a thank you card with a professional picture of herself, which quite honestly became the running joke for weeks.
I keep my credit card wrapped in a picture of them, just so I can remember this when I go to spend some money.
Let's say you take a picture at your office that has a business card or envelope with your home address or some kind of sensitive information visible in the background.
One of them grabbed a card and drew a quick picture on it.
First we put CCD vidicon on fixed point, gather the video picture of sign point on dynamic measured structure by picture gathering card.
This measuring system is composed of worktable, clamping and adjusting structure, optical system, digital camera, image card and computer. Picture 1 is system structure diagram.
The drive through northern Greece was pleasant with lots of picture post card shots one associates with Greece and good freeways.
The card, with a picture of Brussels sprouts on the front, is made from potato starch paper and printed with food coloring.
Give her a card, do extra chores, give her flowers, get her something nice like a framed picture of the two of you, or even make her something nice.
Virginia: OK. I'll just need to see a credit card and some form of picture I. D. , driver's license , passport.
Excuse me, what's a picture type of card, or a text types of CARDS. T here is a Chinese or English?
Make sure there is at least one picture in storage card.
We measure PZTs displacement by using CCD camera, picture card, computer and Michelson interferometer that is designed specially.
Each view could look like a baseball card with its current value added to the picture, and the back of the view could allow users to select specific CARDS to track and display.
The system adopt computer with the picture acceleration card to the real-time process. In the software the system use the fast algorithms to improve the image processing and parameter operating speed.
On the card the picture is one aristocratic family, three generation of people raise glass in once to one do not express the congratulation in the field relatives and friends.
There is a picture of angel in the Christmas card.
This is a brief synopsis of your project in a sentence or two which will appear on your project card below your project title, picture and name.
Q: is it the graphics card in the camera that can't handle the whole picture and that is why the whole area isn't used, or what is the technical cause for this?
He had just come from the field, he said, and had been put into a card house three stories high, and all made of picture CARDS with the figures turned inwards.
He had just come from the field, he said, and had been put into a card house three stories high, and all made of picture CARDS with the figures turned inwards.