Determination of Requirements related to the product - when requested by Buyer , supplier to complete Piece Price Breakdown Form and Tooling Cost Breakdown Form and submit with RFQ.
If successful, by 2020, as the price of microchips drops to below a penny piece, telematics could be adopted in thousands of miles of highways in the United States.
Other tablet contenders "have not been competitive on price" and "have just sold a piece of hardware."
Since it is the case, we would exceptionally comply with your request by reducing our price to $5 per piece.
And if I'm wrong, you'll own a piece of the sector at a decent price.
Tata began with a blank piece of paper: the only taboo was that the price could not be more than 100,000 rupees.
塔塔公司是从一张白纸开始的:唯一的要求就是价格不超过 100 000卢布。 工程师们开始玩着设计没有门的汽车,或者全塑料汽车。
Some argued that if you raised the price of the magazine in the way that he had done during his editorship then you also risked becoming a museum piece.
And sometimes I wonder if the price is a piece of ourselves.
The hammer price of the piece was more than ten times its estimated value.
The other piece of evidence for home ownership’s benefits is that the house-price fall has so far spared most existing homeowners from absolute losses.
If successful, by 2020, as the price of microchips drops to below a penny a piece, telematics could be adopted in thousands of miles of highways in the United States.
The average price is $35 per piece.
If you can sell a piece of music, art, or any creative idea or product, this aspect will help you get an excellent price.
IKEA strives to give the consumer a great piece of stylish furniture at a great price, which is followed by an immediate interaction with the furniture by putting it together.
I bought this piece of furniture at a reasonable price.
We can quote you a price of US$60 per piece.
They insisted that they place larger orders provided that your price is reduced to about US25$ per piece.
Thee mall is the foundation of hedonic price, hedonic price in the circulation of this piece is.
Naturally, every piece is unique and the price for it is transcendental.
It is understood that the price of a piece of silk square scarf 180 yuan, a silk CARDS have more than 20 yuan.
"The list price has become a meaningless piece of information," said Mr. Compeau, who was an expert witness for the California district attorneys who brought the case against Overstock.
Lots of us use our teeth for odd jobs - to rip a price tag off a piece of clothing, open a packet of crisps,.
As a matter of fact, most people check the price tag first before they actually look at the whole piece itself.
Which is the appraisal amount, the value of a piece of asset or its price?
Another benefit of leather anklets is that they offer a piece of quality jewelry for a great price.
Another benefit of leather anklets is that they offer a piece of quality jewelry for a great price.