This year, 20 to 30 cities will become "Made in China 2025" pilot demonstration cities.
Both NASA and the California Energy Commission have helped fund the latest round of Trent's work, in which he aims to get a pilot demonstration up and running.
This week, the city of Santa Cruz expressed support for letting its municipal waste water be used in a pilot demonstration project in the Pacific Ocean, Trent said.
The pilot demonstration project to treat and restore contaminated soil was launched, and progress was made in trials for the environmental monitoring of contaminated sites.
A demonstration plant has been operating since December, and a full-scale pilot plant is now under construction and should be completed by 2013.
After a successful pilot-production phase, the next step is a demonstration factory in Lestrem, France, which will be running by the end of the year.
But so far, building energy efficiency still remain in the pilot, demonstration of the level, has not yet extended to the whole.
At the same time work hard to do a good job recycling economy demonstration pilot work, conscientiously sum up and promote the typical experience of advanced enterprises.
To conduct classified guidance and services to pilot and demonstration units, and to foster a number of national and local enterprises with an advantage in IPRs.
Our demonstration of the technology was conducted in pilot scale production unit.
According to information, at present our country has 25 new energy vehicle demonstration promote pilot cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou, etc.
The opening of the pilot counties mainly comprehensive national AIDS prevention and control demonstration zones, as well as HIV-positive pregnant women in the county.
The opening of the pilot counties mainly comprehensive national AIDS prevention and control demonstration zones, as well as HIV-positive pregnant women in the county.