Grow a few plants of several different coloured varieties - a red 'Polestar', deep pink and white, 'Painted Lady' and a pure white 'White Lady'.
Perhaps it's thinking about England in the summer, perhaps it's the sounds of the river at night but my mind wandered back to the place of long afternoons, listening to Pink Moon and Lay Lady Lay.
Out of the five apple types tasted, the new variety scored the highest - even better than the Pink Lady which is very popular in Britain.
Pink Lady hellebore flower in autumn in Oregon, USA.
The nice lady at Longs Drugs offered us a free balloon, then said, "I bet I know your favorite color!" and handed Daisy a pink one rather than letting her choose for herself.
Amu favorite chameleon lady afar off, she lived in neighboring room, morning glory, morning glory she has the same pink skin.
16-year old solo sailor Jessica Watson sails her yacht Ella's Pink Lady past the Sydney Opera House during the official launch of her solo round the world voyage Photo: GETTY images.
在官方起航仪式上,16岁的杰西卡·沃森驾驶“埃拉粉红女郎号”(Ella ' s Pink Lady)帆船驶过悉尼歌剧院,开始了她的独自环球航行。
Watson spent 210 daysmaneuvering her 34-foot (10-meter) yacht, Ella's Pink Lady, around the world, encountering raging storms and 40-foot (12-meter) waves along the way.
沃特森当年驾驶她34英寸 (10米) 长的小艇 ——艾拉的粉红女郎 (Ella’s Pink Lady) ——用了210天完成了环游世界之旅,途中经历了高达40英尺 (12米) 的巨浪。
Could I have a look at the pink figure of the "Chinese Lady"?
That's a good idea. A pink lady for me a martini for my husband and a glass of hot milk for my daughter please.
There's such a wide range to choose from: tart Granny Smith, sweet Pink Lady, mildGolden Delicious, sweet-tart Fuji (my favorite!
The sweet fruit aroma and the fresh taste of raisins are the beautiful pink memories of the young lady.
Surging rain pouring down, umbrellas single solitary person lean side door. "Seeking" at a thousand miles muddy road, only for the Yuk House, Pink lady.
That's a good idea. A Pink Lady for me, a Martini for my husband and a glass of hot milk for my daughter, please.
This lovely lady lights up the stage, sparkling from head to toe in pink sequins and feathers. Enchanté!
Taiwan's most beautiful cherry blossom season in Wuling Farm, the same people who went to the site is seen full of praise, special Pink Lady variety in bloom around mid-year 2.
The taste of "Pink Lady" is sweet.
The lady dressed herself in a pink skirt.
With only a touch of makeup, a pink cotton sweater and string of fake pearls, the lady with a warm smile says she can hardly remember the last time she spent a cent, foreign media reported.
The nose shows typical Eden Valley aromatics of lifted orange blossom and freshly diced pink lady apples.
You might try Pink Lady, It's very delicious.
You might try Pink Lady, It's very delicious.