In communities north of Denver, residents are pitching in to help teachers and administrators as the Vrain school District tries to solve a $13.8 million budget shortage blamed on mismanagement.
In?communities?north?of?Denver,?residents?are?pitching?in?to?help?teachers?and administrators?as?the?Vrain?school?District?tries?to?solve?a?$13.8 million budget shortage blamed on mismanagement.
在丹佛北部的社区,Vrain 学区正努力解决因管理不善而造成的1380万美元的预算短缺问题,那里的居民们也正在积极帮助教师和管理人员。
The ship was rolling and pitching heavily in the rough sea.
Creativity in email content can be of big help, especially when you are pitching your product or service in the email.
Just as in the early days of the Internet, there is heated debate over whether such growth will continue. Many of the same people are pitching in.
Be bold by pitching your solutions to management and speaking up in meetings and brainstorming sessions.
Explain how the idea you are pitching is the solution to a problem—and do it quickly, in less than 30 seconds.
你要向媒体说明,这个新闻点是某个问题的解决之道。 说明的时候尽量简短,30秒内说完最好。
Companies, especially those pitching limited-time offers, should first mail out those promotions to consumers with surnames that fall deeper in the alphabet.
German and French Banks, Greece's largest lenders, are also pitching in with complex plans that push off the day when debts come due.
These tools are undergoing development, so check for updates periodically, and if you feel an itch for a feature you'd like to see, consider rolling up your sleeves and pitching in.
But after media reports about him, THU prohibited Zhao from pitching his tent in the dorm and banned it from the security guard room.
This "might be something as nontraditional as putting on a photography show," says McDowell — or starting a blog, launching a business, or pitching in at a nonprofit.
It is possible to work consciously toward joining the golden Third: Just get in there and start pitching.
In ancient Egypt, as everywhere, pitching stones was a favorite children's game.
" and "Of those remaining administrators, how many will be relieving this catastrophic shortage by pitching in and teaching at least one class during the up-coming year?
But for women, healthier cortisol levels resulted when their husbands spent more time pitching in on housework.
The pitching robot, with its three-fingered hand, can throw 90 percent of its pitches in the strike zone, won't need any relief from the bullpen and never asks for a pay raise.
Local enterprises were also pitching in.
In a rare blast of temper over dinner one night, the elder Mr. Gates reacted to a bitter mother-son argument by pitching a glass of cold water in young Bill's face.
Pitching in at home has become a crucial marriage-preservation skill for young men.
But overall, by pitching companies in previously distinct industries against each other, convergence will result in more vigorous competition.
They've been great about pitching in, but I don't feel it's fair to ask them to give up extracurricular activities in order to keep an eye on my mom.
The system input in this case is turbulent air which produces random pitching motion of the vehicle.
The system input in this case is turbulent air which produces random pitching motion of the vehicle.