It was Leo XII, in 1824, to move the seat at the Palais de S. Apollinaris where Pius IX in 1853 founded the Faculty of Canon Law and Civil Law and the Pontifical Institute Utriusque Iuris.
It是利奥十二,于1824年,移动座位宫 南Apollinaris那里碧岳九于1853年成立学部的佳能英美法系和大陆法系和宗座Utriusque大全。
It was Leo XII, in 1824, to move the seat at the Palais de S. Apollinaris where Pius IX in 1853 founded the Faculty of Canon Law and Civil Law and the Pontifical Institute Utriusque Iuris.
It是利奥十二,于1824年,移动座位宫 南Apollinaris那里碧岳九于1853年成立学部的佳能英美法系和大陆法系和宗座Utriusque大全。