reporter: diane knows all about the placebo effect . still, she was surprised how much it helped her in this latest study.
Another study by researchers in Miami also suggests that chicken soup has more than just a placebo effect.
迈阿密mount Sinai的研究人员进行的另一项研究表明,鸡汤的效用相当实在。
This study now demonstrates such an effect for a selective COX-2 inhibitor in a placebo-controlled randomized study.
现在的这项研究证实了在安慰剂作为对照的随机实验中,一种选择性COX - 2抑制剂也有这种效应。
This study now demonstrates such an effect for a selective COX-2 inhibitor in a placebo-controlled randomized study.
现在的这项研究证实了在安慰剂作为对照的随机实验中,一种选择性COX - 2抑制剂也有这种效应。