Can you help me translate this legal jargon into plain English?
Design the rules by describing in "plain English" what each rule should do.
Your attorney should be able to speak to you in plain English, but there are still legal terms involved.
Keep this in mind when flexing your new vocabulary – you'll still need to keep your plain English in good usage for everyday writing, especially in most work environments.
And of course, this page just made my day because the person who wrote it did so by speaking plain English, instead of boring us with maybes and possibilities regarding legalities.
The executable parts of a scenario, where you can build the actual DSL, are written in plain English (or almost any other language), so there's virtually no special syntax to learn.
I will not celebrate my birthday today, but I have collected and translated some funny birthday quotes for you to learn good and plain English.
This is not quite a threat but it is a message of some kind conveyed in plain English.
Card issuers will also be obliged to explain their terms in plain English and inform customers about the cost of using their CARDS.
Obviously, this is not a big difference, but each statement becomes closer to real plain English sentences, and removes the usual boiler-plate technical code of the host language.
Listing 1 shows how the condition would be stated in plain English.
In plain English, that means fewer Americans are working, or want to work.
In plain English, if someone is owed money by your company, he or she would be able to go after the company's assets, but not the personal assets of the company's owners.
The condition in plain English is shown in Listing 5.
用简单英语陈述的该条件如清单 5 所示。
Listing 3 shows the Claims business condition in plain English.
In plain English, maybe tossing and turning when you're infected with the cold virus contributes to the symptoms that define a cold.
Cloud computing solutions, which in plain English, does almost everything from streaming music to your portable device and storing your documents on the web.
Takeaway tip: The most effective resumes are clear, concise and written in plain English.
Proofs may be written informally using plain English. Just be sure to include all the steps in your reasoning, or at least all the key steps.
The encounter also gave Mr Blair a chance to make his case in plain English and highlight his critics’ inconsistencies. He won the election handily.
In plain English: the system's processors can not be over-subscribed by the total of the entitlements.
In plain English, it means that trust vanished from the banking sector.
The element and attribute names are usually written in plain English (so humans can read them). They are also highly structured (so computers can parse them).
In plain English, for an equal number of calories, you can get more vitamins and microelements essential to your health by eating nutrient-dense foods.
The tool is provided as a Cloud-based application that enables users to define the test scripts used for Batch Processing in plain English.
Written, as it is, in plain English, this book can be read with ease.
Please tell me in plain English.
Please tell me in plain English.