The warning was conceived in the plainest language .
We are told by moralists with the plainest faces that immorality will spoil our looks.
But the church pronounced female music the devil's work, allowing only the plainest chant.
The gap between the Fed and the rest is having its plainest effects in the currency markets.
The musicians were particularly enraged that careless mistakes cropped up in the simplest, plainest piece.
When these masterful figures command the world, what deeply moves them is the simplest, plainest and most personal care.
"the faculty . . . of reducing his thought on any subject to the simplest and plainest terms possible" (Baron Charnwood).
“用最简单、最清楚的词语表达他对任何问题看法的才能” (拜伦·查伍德)。
Carmen Elcira narrowed her eyes and studied his face. He was wearing the plainest of clothes, with sunglasses propped on his head.
As many of you who have been readers for a while know, I love a loaf cake, and she describes her chocolate version as "the plainest of plain loaf cakes."
I am unable to write you a long letter, but I will say if you take this step you depart from the plainest injunction of God's Word and cannot expect or claim His blessing upon such a union.
我不能给你写一封很长的信,但我要说你若走这一步,就是离开上帝圣言最清楚明白的禁令,并且不可指望或要求?祝福这种结合。 上帝一切的应许都是以对?的服从为前提的。
"Rock, Paper and Scissors" is a typical game which gave us an enjoyable memory in our childhood. The idea just bases on such simplest and plainest game, but given a new sense, so has more interests.
"Rock, Paper and Scissors" is a typical game which gave us an enjoyable memory in our childhood. The idea just bases on such simplest and plainest game, but given a new sense, so has more interests.