You should plan your meals one week at a time.
When you manage your home, plan the meals, handle the finances, juggle the calendar, and make sure that family members enter the world relatively groomed and sanitized, you work a lot.
Following a meal plan will help you eat healthier meals that suit your family's taste while reducing or even eliminating fast food from your diet at the same time.
If meal planning isn't your thing, you can do like I do and plan for a variety of scenarios and buy foods that you could use to make one of several different meals.
Plan how you will store the meals in your freezer. Do you need freezer bags, foil loaf pans or tin foil?
Each Sunday, plan out your meals for one week.
Should you find it difficult to follow our food plan, cut the amount of your regular daily meals to half and avoid oil, butter, starch product, cheese , fat alcohol, soft drink.
Should you find it difficult to follow our food plan, cut the amount of your regular daily meals to half and avoid oil, butter, starch product, cheese , fat alcohol, soft drink.