The Commission joins other voices in calling for a renewed effort to ensure water, sanitation and electricity for all, as well as better urban planning to address the epidemic of chronic disease.
In the United States, the nuclear Regulatory Commission recommends that people living within a 10-mile emergency planning zone around a nuclear plant have access to potassium iodide tablets.
Some Britons planning Christmas trips to the Continent were discovering that, once charges and commission are deducted, one pound buys less than one euro.
The American Planning Association's Hawaii chapter gripes that the state's land-use commission spends too much time on individual projects rather than setting broad plans.
美国规划协会(The AmericanPlanning Association,简称APA)夏威夷分会抱怨州土地使用委员会在个别项目上花费太多时间而忽略了制定全面性计划。
But in past purges, the planning commission has struggled to impose its will, thanks to well-connected factory bosses and militant workers.
She is now a member of the High-Level Expert Group appointed by India's Planning Commission in October 2010 to develop plans for universal health coverage.
It will now be considered by the Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) setup to decide on nationally significant projects.
A new planning commission was set up in 2009 to speed up the glacial pace of infrastructure decision-making.
The city planning department shall discharge the routine duties of the city planning commission.
The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expected increased tax revenues.
The planning commission says it has to set the poverty line to target those who are most in need.
In April the Planning Commission, a state body which aims to think far ahead, asked: "is 10% growth feasible?"
The Indian cabinet still has to approve the plan but S Satish, a spokesman for Isro, said the support of the Planning Commission "was a major step forward".
The planning commission has told India's supreme court that a person who spends roughly half a dollar a day on food, education and health in rural areas, or $15 a month, will not be considered poor.
The city planning commission shall seek and consider all kinds of opinions, and adopt those scientific and rational ones.
The provincial commission of health and family planning issued an urgent notice on Friday to strengthen security at hospitals and surrounding areas, especially at living quarters.
The National Health and Family Planning Commission said local health authorities should make efforts to ensure every family is signed up with a qualified doctor by the end of 2020.
The Family Planning Commission will have to do a lot of work, but I don't think it will be that difficult.
The National Health and Family Planning Commission indicated that these H7N9 Avian Influenza viruses are a newly-discovered subtype of the influenza virus.
Dad dis working in the planning commission.
With an issue identification process, it is important to use an advisory committee, planning commission, or some other grope to rank and, if necessary, narrow the range of issue to a manageable one.
But half of them are over 40 years old, which means they face higher pregnancy risks, according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission.
But half of them are over 40 years old, which means they face higher pregnancy risks, according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission.