Not only quality of since the egg offered of plant and energy that the plant-eating animal relies on, but also the carnivore.
Their research shows that even in its youth, the long-necked, plant-eating animal had a huge, dinner-platter-size hip bone (detail at right).
Their research shows that even in its youth the long-necked plant-eating animal had a huge dinner-platter-size hip bone (detail at right).
Our findings suggest people should consider eating more plant proteins than animal proteins, and when they do choose among sources of animal protein, fish and chicken are probably better choices.
Our findings suggest people should consider eating more plant proteins than animal proteins, and when they do choose among sources of animal protein, fish and chicken are probably better choices.
If the 'pain' of a plant being killed is equal to the pain of an animal being killed, each animal still ate many plants in his lifetime, which makes eating him linked to even more 'pain'.
If the 'pain' of a plant being killed is equal to the pain of an animal being killed, each animal still ate many plants in his lifetime, which makes eating him linked to even more 'pain'.