Seedlings, bamboo forest and newly planted forests were severely attacked by blizzards.
At that rate China could add 10% to the world's total area of planted forest-which the FAO puts at 264m hectares, about 7% of the total forested area-in just five years.
In the stage of the biological reclamation, I have studied the soil improvement method, the planted forest technology and the farming and forestry multiplexed system.
In addition has also analyzed Fokienia Hodginsii planted forest economy mature law of value motion as well as the relationship between economy mature and quantity mature.
The degenerated ecosystem was transformed into the fine ecosystem obviously, and the degenerated land can be used reasonably by building the planted forest of Tamarindus indica.
Wild material, genetically improved trees. Depending on the level of management intensity and the genetic material used in the planted forest, different groups of biotechnologies can be used.
The results showed that total nitrogen, available nitrogen and organic matter were the main fertility indicators for soil fertility evaluation in the planted forest land on the Loess Plateau.
Variations of peroxidase, sucrose invertase and urease activity in soil from Eucalyptus coppice forest, Eucalyptus newly planted forest, shrub grassland and masson pine forest have been investigated.
We are provided with a house from our birth, and the burdock forest is planted for our sakes!
He has planted close to 1,400 acres of forests and is known as the Forest Man of India.
Over the past 38 years, he has planted trees on a sandbar of the Brahmaputra River and has turned it into a forest.
FRA 2005 also found that new forests and trees are being planted at increasing rates, but plantations still account for less than 5 percent of forest area, it notes.
An entire forest might be clear cut, in the interest of making a profit, without a single tree planted in its place.
He's planted 600 hectares of forest since carbon trading began and plans 800 more.He's keeping 1,000 hectares for livestock.
In Glasgow, 1 million trees will be planted over 93 hectares of landfill over the next 12 years, making it the largest urban forest in the United Kingdom.
You planted a forest in my heart, every tree has your taste.
A slender floor plan design allowed for the buildings to be woven carefully through the dense forest of pine trees that were planted by the owner on the property as a child.
With the more realizing of people of Schima Superba, it not only have been planted largely, but also arose the attention of more operator of forest.
Such quality breed was then planted in forest to ensure grape quality for wild grape wine production.
After years of efforts, we have already planted a large area of forest network.
It is very much like the difference between looking at a well-arranged garden, planted in rows and patterns, versus seeing a wild thicket or forest growing in confusion.
The quadratic regression orthogonal design with five factors was adopted to shoot_used Dendrocalamus latiflorus forest planted on hills in Nanjing stated_owned forest farm.
The forest land ownership is a problem of "for whom the trees are planted and managed" and "who will benefit from tree-planting and management".
Tropical rain forest planted over 300 kinds of rainforest plants, including the trees and shrubs, TengMu and epiphytes.
Based on the analysis of the problems in logging implementation of planted commercial forest through experimental logging in 2003, the strategies for future implementation are proposed.
Based on the analysis of the problems in logging implementation of planted commercial forest through experimental logging in 2003, the strategies for future implementation are proposed.