Gas assisted plastics injection molding process includes injection of polymer melt into mold cavity and then injection of gas-compressed into the polymer melt.
The vibration injection molding and mold design method are discussed by the application of the mechanical vibration technology in the injection molding of plastics.
It introduce an injection mold structure to eject the plastics part with compressed air, and points out several problems to pay attention to during the designing and manufacturing.
In the design of multi-cavity injection mold, the design of the branch of flow channel and the gate has great influence on the quality of plastics products.
Introduced structure design of injection mold for a fragrance cap, the molding parts surrounding exterior surface does not allow to have the draft, causing the plastics demoulding difficulties.
Installation base: Injection of plastics from a complete mold, mounting panel strongly connected to the joint.
With the extensive use of plastics, injection mold is used more and more widely.
The working principle of DK8110 multiple—point—road mold temperature control system is expounded in detail. With the heat transfer theory of plastics injection moding process, the cooling and heat…
The working principle of DK8110 multiple—point—road mold temperature control system is expounded in detail. With the heat transfer theory of plastics injection moding process, the cooling and heat…