Subduction and collision theory of Plate tectonics is a basement of the study of granite tectonic dyna mics and geodynamics.
The tectonism of North China platform had the multistage plate subduction and collision which form a favourable condition for gold mineralization.
The rocks and isotopic age of collisional structures in Pamir Plateau recorded the movement of Indian plate towards Asian plate, which passed through 3 stages of subduction, collision and squeezing.
The author holds that the earthquakes occurred in North China are caused by the collision of India plate and the subduction of Pacific plate.
Following the Triassic collision, with Pacific plate subduction and continuous accumulation towards Eurasian plate in the Jurassic-Cenozoic, the huge accretionary complex belt was eventually formed.
The early stage tectonic organize related to the plate subduction, collision forms suture belt and precontinental arc system ;
The early stage tectonic organize related to the plate subduction, collision forms suture belt and precontinental arc system ;