Steel beam which is used in city walking platform bridge welding, assembly, processing and main points of construction are introduced.
By outlining the new platform and creating a bridge from the existing environment, you can make the change without creating a huge impact on the enterprise.
Secured bridge packages, which allow access to the functionality of the underlying host platform in a secure way by establishing a well defined sandbox concept.
The org.eclipse.swt.accessibility package runtime provides the bridge from the application to the platform.
Copy the RJCB bridge plug-in (s) into the plug-ins folder of the target Eclipse platform folder. Each of the bridge plug-ins has in its section a reference to the Common plug-in.
Which platform for London Bridge, please?
"I work in an industry where I bridge the gap between East and West," she told me. "the great company I work for is a global platform that allows me to reach a global audience."
This marvelous bridge lets you literally step into the scenery, high above the Sunwapta valley on a suspended glass platform.
The design principle and the structure of the steel platform for the construction of Hangzhou Bay Bridge are introduced and the major problems and points of attention are pointed out.
This method can be used in analyzing internal forces of other laterally loaded piles such as bridge piles and platform piles of oil drilling in oceans, etc.
An extension from a piled steel platform, built for the purpose of flaring oil or gas. The bridge provides a walk way for access to the burners.
A nontransparent PCI-PCI bridge is one of the key elements affecting the performance of the general audio processing platform.
非透明pci - PCI桥的性能是影响通用语音处理平台的关键因素之一。
It may be a chess room, a tea room or a platform facing the out. It is connected to the living room by a bridge laid across the subsided yard.
It is the bridge of a product platform and the platform products, and the solidified carrier of core competitive competence of a firm and the concrete exhibition of its business platform's value.
To improve the seismic performance of the structure of the main bridge, the fluid viscous dampers were installed between the main girder and arch rib platform.
PDM is the platform for collaborative design and information integration of enterprise, and also the bridge of information communication among different departments of enterprise.
The platform actually used for filming at king's cross Station is platform 4. Hagrid and Harry are also filmed walking over the pedestrian bridge across the tracks.
It will need a bridge (or a platform), so that direct contact with manufacturers and customers together!
Traditionally there are two kinds of weight-in-motion systems: static weighting platform on pavement and bridge dynamic weighting system.
Recruitment stage: co-operation topics, selected pit personnel, aircraft, "Bridge" paved "road", the establishment of docking platform;
Underwater placement of bridge's platform and cradle construction method for multi-span continuous box-girder structure constitute the construction feature of Fuyang bridge in Zhejiang province.
ATTENDANT: Platform Two, Over the bridge.
It has put up platform for us, lets world know us; It has built bridge for us, lets us and world link up better.
Large bearing platform above the water is one of difficult points in the construction of Jiajiang bridge.
The website of Qunyan Press establishes the bridge for us serving our readers, and provides a platform for learning and communicating with readers and friends from all social circles.
At the same time, as a bridge of users and companies, Best Tone system of China Telecom has accumulated vast record datas and the platform is based on knowledge discovery of the record data.
INTUITIM plans to launch its medical imaging exchange platform to create a bridge between Chinese specialists and foreign specialists by offering a second opinion service.
Platform and operation platform are connected by walk bridge, to increase safety evacuation passages. As soon as an accident happens, operators can leave safely and conveniently.
Taking the Hangzhou Bay Sea-Crossing Bridge offshore platform as an example, the integral analysis of a kind of multi-storey steel building with triple-layer space trusses is introduced.
Taking the Hangzhou Bay Sea-Crossing Bridge offshore platform as an example, the integral analysis of a kind of multi-storey steel building with triple-layer space trusses is introduced.