It's the content and platform independence of XML that enables XML to be the unified form of describing mining results in different mining systems.
Research shows it can effectively support concurrent programming on embedded platform, implement platform independence and portability of concurrent...
Platform Independence Model is one of key models in Model Driven Architecture(MDA), and the quality of under development system is decided by PIM's accuracy.
Where appropriate, XML data and message formats can be used to facilitate interoperability and platform independence — just as XML facilitates these benefits in the web services standards.
Web services are a widely adopted, key technology for SOA, largely due to their platform and programming language independence.
The independence of platform to XML and the strictness of syntax to RDF make them a perfect combination in representing grid resources metadata.
Document object model (DOM) is a set of platform-independence and language-independence interfaces, and it is the basis of the implementation of XML document.
Feedback from a force platform improves standing balance but the impact on independence is unclear.
Results conclusion is that it has not only many advantages, such as independence of platform, good universality, but also good flexibility to change user's requirement and database's tables and so on.
UI management platform based on XML with independence and transportability, which make system developing more clear and more precise and users design UI themselves.
UI management platform based on XML with independence and transportability, which make system developing more clear and more precise and users design UI themselves.