The electrode concerned in this article is a medical one - a platinum wire electrode made by covering glycyrrhetinic acid with double - decked polymer film.
So what I'm actually doing is I'm joining tiny bits of platinum wire and creating these structures.
Introduce an automatic welding machine for platinum & iridium spark plugs, This machine is used to weld the fine platinum & iridium wire on the ignition end of spark plugs.
One foot of platinum coated nickel wire, or pure platinum wire.
Platinum wire wound Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD) construction consists of very fine high purity Platinum wire wound onto a ceramic core and then hermetically sealed with a glassed coating.
Platinum wire wound Resistance Temperature Detectors RTD construction consists of very fine high purity Platinum wire wound onto a ceramic core and then hermetically sealed with a glassed coating.
The results indicate that the properties of the platinum wire coincide with IEC specifications completely. The platinum wire can be used for making industrial platinum resistance thermometers.
WZPK series of armoured platinum resistance the working principle of: Under the action of temperature the platinum resistance wire resistance change with change.
The mechanism of formation of yellow praseodymium zircon pigments has been investigated by using platinum wire-marker technique.
Based on a 3 wire platinum resistor measuring circuit, in which the lead wire resistance can be compensated, a high precise temperature measuring method is stated.
Sensitive components for the hot wire, such as tungsten wire, platinum wire, rhenium wire, and the composition of the bridge by the hot wire.
The signal pre-processing system also has circuit to extract temperature signal via platinum thermistance, in which three-wire system and constant current measurement method are adopted.
The analytic conditions are defined as; the platinum wire is used as catalyst, the sample burns in oxygen;
The analytic conditions are defined as; the platinum wire is used as catalyst, the sample burns in oxygen;