So it is case of playing the waiting game until it is your time to get involved.
It wouldn't just be a case of sitting in a soft environment, playing the waiting game; it would be raw survival.
Now Damon and wife michelle are playing the waiting game for the couple 's first child, due in mid - January.
However, if you have a few “make-a-toddler-happy” tricks and treats, playing the waiting game can be quite interesting and even fun.
但是,你若是有一些能够使小孩感到开心的小游戏或是小东西的话,孩子们便会感到等待不是一件枯燥的事情,甚至可是说是有意思的事。 下面是几个很简单但却非常有效的办法,它们可以使你和孩子的等待变得不再烦躁哟。
He's playing a waiting game. He'll hang on as long as possible until the pressure is off.
They've both asked her to go out with them, but Vera is playing a waiting game until she finds out which one of her suitors has the most money!
They've both asked her to go out with them, but Vera is playing a waiting game until she finds out which one of her suitors has the most money!
They've both asked her to go out with them, but Vera is playing a waiting game until she finds out which one of her suitors has the most money!