There is about a 50-percent chance in the United States that the electricity that's used to charge the batteries of a plug-in electric vehicle is generated by burning coal.
The plug-in hybrid and could tide Toyota over until the electric vehicle market becomes big enough to profit off of it.
The Prius Plug-in has an estimated electric vehicle cruise range per charge of 26.4 kilometers (16 miles), according to Toyota.
For now, the benefits of a plug-in and all-electric vehicle fleet reside largely in the realm of theory.
Toyota Motor Corp. said it would sell its upgraded plug-in hybrids globally in about two years, amid heightened competition in the electric-and-hybrid-vehicle market.
丰田汽车(Toyota Motor Corp .)说,大约两年后将在全球销售升级版的插电式混合动力汽车。目前电动混合汽车市场上的竞争日益激烈。
Until recently, most owners of plug-in-to-recharge electric cars have had to rely on the traditional three-point household plug, and wait about eight hours to fully recharge their vehicle at home.
There is no easy way to compare the efficiency of an electric vehicle—plug-in hybrid or pure electric—with a fossil-fuelled equivalent.
Chinese auto maker plans to unveil the country's first homegrown electric vehicle for the mass market, at least a year ahead of similar efforts around the world to popularize such plug-in cars.
Honda's Mr. Fukui expressed skepticism about a type of vehicle known as plug-in hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles, saying they offer too few environmental benefits.
Honda's Mr. Fukui expressed skepticism about a type of vehicle known as plug-in hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles, saying they offer too few environmental benefits.