The Jack PC from Chip PC Technologies offers a neat and novel thin-client desktop computing solution where the computer doesn't just plug into the wall, it is the plug in the wall.
GPU.NET has a plug-in architecture in order to support other devices, according to Jack Pappas, CEO and Co-Founder of TidePowerd, the company behind GPU.NET.
If you like, you are able to plug the adapter to a wall jack, connecting each phone in the home.
Another plus point of this phone is the presence of a 3.5mm jack where in you can plug in a headphone of your choice.
In addition, the external hanging design makes our works plug-and-play to the mobile phone's headset jack.
The utility model relates to a jack screw and plug screw driver, which is characterized in that a hole is drilled along an axial direction in a screw, and a plug is added on the head of a screwdriver.
BON provides a line service of RJ PLUG and RJ JACK used in network communication including exploitation of mould﹑projection of plastic﹑embedded processing and assembly.
BON provides a line service of RJ PLUG and RJ JACK used in network communication including exploitation of mould﹑projection of plastic﹑embedded processing and assembly.