Therefore, the plugin automatically retrieves a set of sample XML document instances from the database (see Figure 5, Number 2).
Redhill Consulting provides a nice foreign_key_migrations plugin, which adds support for foreign keys within Rails' database migration framework; see Resources for a link to more info.
Redhill Consulting提供了一个很好的foreign_key_migrations插件,它增加了在Rail数据库迁移框架中对外键的支持;有关更多信息,请参看参考资料中的链接。
Triplify is a small plugin for Web applications, which reveals the semantic structures encoded in relational databases by making database content available as RDF, JSON or Linked data.
That's the desired outcome, so the developer can quickly tell which projects are database ones (but most of the time plugin decorators should not hide standard workbench or JDT decorators).
这是期望的结果,这样开发者可以快速识别出哪些项目是数据库项目(不过大部分时候插件decorator不应该隐藏标准工作台或JDT decorator)。
Zotero also announced a new online component to its plugin, which, in conjunction with the new synchronization features, automatically creates an online backup of your database on
Before installing any plugin that will make dramatic changes, backup your database and files.
The plugin will look for other tables in the same database.
Because the plugin modifies several database tables, it should always be removed through the interface provided.
You deleted the plugin, but some configuration Settings may still in your database. Here has information how to delete the data in database.
In the end, we introduce the function that Console should be completed. There are much key technology involved in this paper, such as multi-thread technology, plugin technology, database t...
Features templating, plugin support and supports various database abstraction layers, and many other features.
Features templating, plugin support and supports various database abstraction layers, and many other features.