Steven killed the bird with his pocketknife.
She knocks his gun aside and he flips open a pocketknife on Kim.
Matt, you got your pocketknife on you? I need you to cut me loose.
The banker laughed disagreeably and began trimming his nails with a pearl-handled pocketknife.
With a pocketknife he cut Herring's seat belt, reclined her seat, then cradled her head and neck in his hands.
Ronnie had used his pocketknife to cut himself free from the driver’s-side seat belt only to get his boot ensnared in another one.
Ronnie had used his pocketknife to cut himself free from the driver 's-side seat belt only to get his boot ensnared in another one.
The most well-known piece, the pocketknife, was used by Adolphus in place of a calling card and featured a peephole with his portrait.
Besides the vegetables, they held a piece of bread, a pocketknife, sometimes the Alpine Club guidebook, and always a spool of wire for emergency repairs.
Over the next several days, he drank his own urine to stay hydrated and experimented with the idea of amputating his arm with a pocketknife, but he had no way of sawing through two bones in his arm.
Over the next several days, he drank his own urine to stay hydrated and experimented with the idea of amputating his arm with a pocketknife, but he had no way of sawing through two bones in his arm.