The mosquito has a sensory nerve that signals the brain when the midgut is full; otherwise feeding would continue until the bursting point.
The killjoys who conducted this test point out that sitting through a two-hour movie isn't exactly "climbing Mt. Everest," but theaters are feeding us like we are.
Feeding point of the slightly rough rice, noodles to come out immediately.
A point gate was used for feeding in the injection mould for the transparent plastic box lid.
To make sure that a plastic part with helical gear and spur gear can be demoulded successfully, an injection mould is designed with double parting faces, point gate feeding and rotating demould.
Police officer Jiang Xiaojuan, 29, was feeding nine babies at one point.
The overall height of catalyst bed as well as the optimal feeding point was obtained for different detritiation efficiency under specific mass transfer coefficient of catalysts.
Length, feeding point, and orientation of the antenna in the waveguide are all arbitrary.
For the injection mold structure of transparent plastic cover shell, point gate feeding is adopted.
The one-dimensional Fresnel zone phase correcting principle can be applied in a cylindrical surface to constructed a new type of point source feeding lens antenna.
Feeding intensity and point-of-no-return (PNR) of Pelteobogrus fulvidraco larvae at different temperatures were studied under laboratory conditions.
The one dimensional Fresnel zone phase correcting principle can be applied to a cylindrical reflector to construct a new type of point source feeding reflector.
在抛物柱面反射器上进行一维菲涅尔区相位修正结构设计 ,可以构成一类新型的点源馈电反射器。
The bath temperature, liquidus and anode effect were controlled by adjusting the AlF3 additions, aluminum tapping magnitude, cell voltage set-point and the alumina feeding interval.
The practice shows that the cascade ore feeding control system combining fuzzy control and traditional PID control is able to optimize the ore feeding set point and achieve better control effects.
Safe to use during pregnancy or whilst breast-feeding... or any other point in your life.
In 3 year olds, every month of breast-feeding raised cognition scores by an average of. 21 point.
It might be one of the reasons why BPH has a preference of feeding on leaf sheath aggregately from chemical point of view.
It might be one of the reasons why BPH has a preference of feeding on leaf sheath aggregately from chemical point of view.