She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.
Allow me to point out to you that there is something stronger than sky.
Gwynn and I often point out to each other the little things that make us just oh so happy.
I don't know if you can see, probably not, what's written on here, so let me point out to you a few things.
Point out to the stout man that the bins further on are empty and offer to put his bag there as you move on.
What I want to point out to you is this part of her letter, the third paragraph here, where she says, "My idea is this."
And in this case we're going to look at silicone, and we'll say if you can point out to me which requires the least amount of energy.
I point out to Stewart that his isn't a new idea: there used to be a little booklet giving London Underground users the same information.
When I point out to Finkelstein that people all over the world are invested in the greatness of David, I am surprised by his response.
JUDGE having sentenced a Malefactor to the penitentiary was proceeding to point out to him the disadvantages of crime and the profit of reformation.
You can kindly point out to them that a simple Google search will find the answer, which has been sitting there waiting for them all this time.
A full awareness of this will point out to you that the most important thing in your existence is your distinctive individuality or something special of yours.
But one thing at a time. I wanted to point out to you that very often functions that you see in real life satisfy many nice relations between the partial derivatives.
Persuasion tip: Never forget to point out to potential employers and managers that your skills, experience and uniqueness will be lost if they don't consider your application seriously.
I could point out to you a family whose grandfather was an Englishman, whose wife was Dutch, whose son married a French woman, and whose present four sons have now four wives of different nations.
I wish to point out your misrepresentation of the facts.
The minute Masa was going to point out that this was too careless a way to live, Yuki suddenly stood up and put on her straw hat.
It is important to point out that students also need to have a deep understanding of their own culture before they can begin to observe, analyze and evaluate other cultures.
I was glad that I was able to point one out to him.
There are forests management implications I want to point out.
Brown and the Stockholm declaration were both attempting to point out.
I have to point out one page is missing in this book.
I want to point out here that Guinea and China have longstanding friendship.
Now I just want to point out that close reading can always be pushed farther.
A Foundation spokesman said the idea was to point out what he called "the hypocrisy of all these awards".
For your convenience on the journey, we'd like to point out that there are a number of facilities available on board.
Rickshaw supporters point out that when it comes to demeaning occupations, rickshaw pullers are hardly unique in Kolkata.
Such growth may not persist in the long term—which is what Mr. Brown and the Stockholm Declaration were both attempting to point out.
Such growth may not persist in the long term—which is what Mr. Brown and the Stockholm Declaration were both attempting to point out.