Another approach is to explicitly open the cursor again after ROLLBACK and skip the cursor pointer till the record read at the time of ROLLBACK.
IP address to hostname mappings are defined use the PTR (pointer) record.
This makes it easy for functions to know where their activation record is — they are simply defined in terms of the stack pointer.
If a function is executing, then the stack pointer is pointing to the top of the whole stack, which is also the top of that function's activation record.
Provided with max. temperature indicator pointer, can record the highest temperature which the measured object has risen to.
Config record handlers, like the record creation and merge handlers, return either a pointer to the new structure or NULL.
Note that moving the current record pointer has some interactions with any sorting or filtering that is applied to the collection.
Otherwise, the current record pointer is set to the first record of the filtered collection view.
As you navigate through the objects in a collection view, you are moving a record pointer that allows you to retrieve the object that exists at that particular location in the collection.
As you navigate through the objects in a collection view, you are moving a record pointer that allows you to retrieve the object that exists at that particular location in the collection.