He said that further warming could trigger polar ice cap melting.
The retreat of the polar ice cap is making the region easier to work in, and there is thought to be lots of oil and gas to tap.
Much has been made about conflicts between Arctic states because of a retreating polar ice cap, which will make many natural resources accessible for the first time.
极地冰冠后退在环北极国家中引发了热议。 随着冰冠消融,下面蕴藏的丰富自然资源将首次浮出水面。
Platteville, Colorado: I'm curious as to weather the polar ice cap melt has increased pressure o the earth's plates?
普莱维尔,科罗拉多州(Platteville Colorado) :我很好奇极地冰盖的融化会不会增加地球版块的压力。
He is expected to warn ministers in polar regions that the arctic ice cap may totally disappear in as little as five years if nothing is done to curb greenhouse emissions.
As often seen through an astronomical telescope eyepiece, the planet's orientation is inverted, with Mars' north polar cap at the bottom.
Little has been said in the media about climate change and health - usually what we hear about is polar bears, loss of the ice cap, dying species and flood risks.
The other bright region in the image is the polar ice cap over the Arctic Ocean.
The pinkish deposits constitute a vast south polar cap believed to contain methane ice, which would have reacted under sunlight to form pink or red compounds.
A nice example is that dreaded polar ice cap.
Zuber and her colleagues also analyzed Mars's much larger northern polar cap.
I hadn't nearly come to the end of an earlier wonderful worry of mine about the polar ice cap melting and raising the level of the Atlantic Ocean enough to submerge the entire East Coast.
Didn't you see the entire North Polar ice cap melting before your eyes?
This warm polar cap is believed to contain the highest temperatures on Saturn; the scientists did not give a temperature estimate.
The retreat of the polar ice cap is making the region easier to work in, and there is thought to be lots of oil and gas to tap.
This year, Shanshan's dad was a pilot on flights over the Polar Cap.
Steve and Jack gave a talk about their trek across the Polar ice cap. It was very interesting but it made my hair stand on end just to hear about the dangers they faced.
Of course, in time the polar ice cap will melt.
The electron density is much lower at night in the polar cap areas.
Every winter, Mars's polar cap is sheathed in a thin blanket of carbon dioxide.
Visible also in the above images are the north polar cap of Mars, dark and light soil, clouds, and, in the early images, a global dust storm.
Since 1979, the size of the summer polar ice cap has shrunk more than 20 percent. (Illustration from NASA)
Since 1979, the size of the summer polar ice cap has shrunk more than 20 percent. (Illustration from NASA)