Eventually, Agassiz and others convinced geologists and the general public that a great continental glaciation had extended the polar ice caps far into regions that now enjoy temperate climates.
Scientists say that polar ice caps are melting.
Warmer temperatures cause water to expand and also create more water by melting polar ice caps.
It's still 'warm' enough, relatively speaking, to make the 'dry ice' of the polar ice caps boil off.
Eventually, % this could melt the polar ice caps and cause devastating costal flooding all over the world.
Unless the destruction of the ozone layer is stopped, the polar ice caps will melt with terrible consequences.
I wished I could have been like her instead of the kind of person who said, "Don't you ever worry about the polar ice caps melting?"
When we see lions and polar bears, we marvel at how well these animals have adapted themselves to the savannah and the polar ice caps.
It is believed to be melting the polar ice caps, making the Arctic waters even more accessible to shipping, slashing journey times.
Global Warming is an event that could possibly cause melting of the polar ice caps, rising sea levels, raised temperatures, and widespread famine.
The rest (approximately 1.7%) is stored in polar ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow, and another 1.7% in groundwater, lakes, rivers, streams, and soil.
If the polar ice caps melt any further, Russia would be able to drill for oil and gas in the Arctic Ocean, where it's believed to have huge fossil-fuel reserves.
Hot water freezes faster than cold water. Ice can appear in nature as snowflakes, icicles, hail, frost, glaciers, pack ice, ice spikes and candles and polar ice caps.
The most severe consequence of CO2 induced global warming would be melting of the polar ice caps and he subsequent rise of ocean levels and inundation of coastal plains.
The scientists say providing extra grub for them to guzzle adds to carbon emissions that heat up the world, melting polar ice caps, raising sea levels and killing rain forests.
And, so now, when the polar ice caps melt, my recording studio will rise up like an ark, and I'll float off into the drowned world like a character from a J.G. Ballard novel.
European Union leaders have recently been warned that climate change may well lead to a protracted battle with Russia over natural resources freed up by melting polar ice caps.
The Great Lakes comprise the largest collective body of fresh water on the planet, containing roughly 18 percent of Earth's supply. Only the polar ice caps contain more fresh water.
This may result in either a) the polar ice caps melt, forcing mankind to live on boats with Kevin Costner or b) the gulf stream stops, turning New York City into an enormous icecube.
这要么会a)造成南北极冰盖融化,让人类以后只能和凯文卡斯塔( KevinCostner )一样住在船上,b)要么洋流会停止,把纽约变成大冰块。
The melting of the polar ice caps that could occur with global warming could change the landscape of our world, flooding many regions and causing damage to people and property as well.
They say this will cause melting at the polar ice caps, sea levels to rise and weather patterns to change bringing floods, famines and violent storms, putting millions of lives at risk.
And I care about what happens with the Big 3 because they are more responsible than almost anyone for the destruction of our fragile atmosphere and the daily melting of our polar ice caps.
But while the iconic images might be of the polar ice caps melting, paediatrician Dr Tony Waterston warns there will also be a devastating human health cost unless we reduce our carbon footprint.
But while the iconic images might be of the polar ice caps melting, paediatrician Dr Tony Waterston warns there will also be a devastating human health cost unless we reduce our carbon footprint.