There are two basic forms of police power: soft police power and hard police power.
In general, the power of police interrogation is expanding, and the judges and legislators always try to keep the balance between the police power and the individuals' rights.
Clashes between villagers and riot police have occasionally broken out in recent years because of disputes over the nearby power plant.
He does not formally control the local police, and he has little power over the federal security services, which continue to abduct and torture people.
Like any cartel, it exists to protect its members from market retribution, and only the police power of the state can make us shoulder that burden.
Mr Ouattara, who recently won a power struggle with his rival Laurent Gbagbo, said law and order would be maintained by the police.
The sway of this power over the executive authority of the legislature and the judiciary, coupled with the actual omnipotence of the police makes people insecure.
Thankfully the island was not as badly hit by the cyclone as expected. Queensland police have told us that all residents are okay, although power has been cut and the phone lines are down.
The power and jurisdiction rest upon the Police.
In order to maintain the social security order, strike crimes, protect the people's life property safety and other legal right, the police power has necessity to exist.
The police discretion is the most distinguishing and special part of the police power.
The police have the power to arrest and question people suspected of crimes.
In order to the success of the mediation should be adopted by the natural space and human space transformation, re-structure the power structure to ensure that the authority of the police.
The occupational crime of police has been given extensive attention by academe because the power of police is regarded as a complex organ that performs the national regime and jurisdiction.
Police say the explosion was felt throughout Kabul and knocked out power across much of the city.
Many reasons lead to the conflictions between negative liberty and police executive power while the basic reason is their different natures.
The police system refers to the system constituted by a country for the setup of the police institution, partition of the administrative power and organization of policemen.
Law should regulate and adjust the police power law, based on the status of right and power, public right, run and dissimilation of the police right.
When super report to the police and lead to carry protection, the car carry negative change power supply can auto instauration work.
It analyses that the nature of the English bail system reflects the presumption of innocence and expansion of discretion power of the police.
So, it is necessary to find and study those problems existed in the functioning of stop and question power by police to construct and perfect the system concerned.
There is a limit to what Mr Yevkurov can do. He does not formally control the local police, and he has little power over the federal security services, which continue to abduct and torture people.
Police power is a powerful public authority. If it is abused, it will have a direct infringement on the personal and property rights and be very harmful to society.
Police power is a powerful public authority. If it is abused, it will have a direct infringement on the personal and property rights and be very harmful to society.