She certainly was a dominating figure, a leader who gave her name to a political philosophy.
Observers rightly thought Berlusconi vulgar and rolled their eyes at taking a soccer-team slogan to name a political party, but he struck a chord with an alienated public.
The man who became a political sensation in America under the name "Joe the Plumber" is himself to run for Congress.
一度给美国政界带来轰动的“水管工乔”将竞选国会议员。 “水管工乔”的全名是萨缪尔·约瑟夫·沃泽尔巴彻。
The man who became a political sensation in America under the name "Joe the Plumber" is himself to run for Congress.
一度给美国政界带来轰动的“水管工乔”将竞选国会议员。 “水管工乔”的全名是萨缪尔·约瑟夫·沃泽尔巴彻。