It has caused natural resources exhausting and environmental polluting in the process of extensive economic growth in Northeast Area.
The existing pyrometallurgical process to prepare metal niobium is complex, expensive, energy intensive and probably polluting.
Tannery belongs to typical industrial branches which during the technological process produce considerable quantities of liquid and solid wastes contributing to polluting the environment.
Nevertheless, in promoting industrial transfer process, the transfer of polluting industries and the undertaking to the relationship between the flurry of interest.
This process can make use of tailings as resource without polluting the environment, realizing the aim of non-tailing mine.
Used in the masking operation during wave solder process on PCB, prevented electroplating liquid immersing and polluting.
适用于PC b板含浸过程中遮蔽金手指部分和防止电镀液浸入及污染。
To counter the defects of generating yellow fume and polluting environment, the authors introduce a new yellow fume free lustering immersing process for copper and its alloy.
This paper deals with the FON process, which is a new non-polluting and high-anticorrosive bath nitrocarburizing complex process.
In the process of heat resolving and coke shaping, different pollutant and polluting factors will be produced and loss to the environment due to different coking way.
The production process avoids the technique of viscose process which is lengthy, complex and seriously polluting.
The production process avoids the technique of viscose process which is lengthy, complex and seriously polluting.