By the end of 1997, the pollution load had been reduced to about 81000 tonnes.
Over 90% of the pollution load of textile wastes is contributed by the process chemicals.
But the combination of a rising pollution load and falling water levels makes that process much harder.
A comparison is made between the effluent pollution load between OHMP clean bleaching and traditional CEH bleaching.
The relationship between the discharge levy amount and the total pollution load retains a highly positive correlation.
Taking product as object and using existing database to study air pollution load distribution of every product life cycle link.
The sediment dredging was conducted for decreasing the pollution load and controlling the eutrophication in Xuanwu Lake in 1998.
南京玄武湖 1998年初实施了清淤疏浚工程 ,试图以此削减湖泊内源污染负荷 ,控制富营养化 。
The storage technology of combined sewerage overflow is a key technology to control the surface pollution and cut pollution load.
Finally, through comparing the reduction effect on total pollution load, the optimal ecological treatment system was put forward.
On the base of data from GIS and survey of study area on the spot, non-point source pollution load model of study area was constructed.
The basic principle of the equivalent pollution load method is introduced and how to apply it to evaluate pollution source is discussed.
To reduce the pollution load of industry system has significant implications for constructing resource-saving and environment-friendly society.
In order to increase recovery ratio of protein, reduce emission of protein, decrease pollution load, and in the meantime obtain great economic effect.
With the deterioration of water environment increasingly, it is urgent to found a pollution load model which can image the whole status in a district.
On the basis of measuring and testing on vehicle driving pattern and emission factor, pollution load from motor vehicle in Shanghai proper has been calculated.
Moreover, the permissible pollution load in Xiangxi River is initially analyzed and calculated with different boundary conditions of the Three Gorges Reservoir.
This paper evaluates the main pollution sources and status environment of water of Nanfeihe River being based on the pollution load method and set pair analysis.
To improve the self-purification ability and pollution situation of river water, control the pollution load and ensure the river basic flow are two important ways.
This paper analyses the principal and subordinate relationship between groundwater pollution indexes by using pollution load ratio and gray relation analysis method.
The specific research contents mainly include three parts: characteristics of urban runoff pollution, simulation of total pollution load, technology of ecological treatment.
The pollution load calculation models of freshwater aquiculture were reviewed, including chemical analysis method, material balance method, box model for lakes and reservoirs, etc.
The Dianchi basin environment management project aims at controlling or reducing the load of phosphorous into lake and the pollution load of COD, BOD, suspended matter and Nitrogen.
The integrated water resource plan system of Taihu basin is a digital system over the basin, which included pollution load model and the water quality model coupling basin and the lake.
Storm runoff pollution has broad impacts and it is difficult to monitor, control and treat. So the quantitative estimation of pollution load is a key step for its control and management.
Investigations of pollution load of 4 surface runoffs have been conducted, and compared with total non-point pollution load in Shanghai suburbs on the basis of pollution sources assessment.
Pollution load of city sewage has already exceed the sewage of industry pollution load, so the disposal technology optimizing became an important problem of dealing with city sewage nowadays.
Efficient removal and recovery of the soluble material from cooked pulp is important to minimize chemical makeup, requirement, bleaching demand, and pollution load in the mill effluent stream.
Results indicated that the contribution of brute manure, domestic pollution source, runoff and food-supplied fishpond to water pollution load was 43.81%, 29. 91%, 22. 43%and 3. 85%, respectively.
For meeting the needs of the water resources protection and the water pollution control planning, this paper makes the analysis of relationship between runoff and pollution load of Tumenxigou outlet.
The severe air pollution alarms humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles.