Polymeric ferric sulfate was prepared by pyrite cinder in this paper.
Polymeric ferric sulfate (PFS) was prepared by pyrite cinder in this paper.
In this paper, a study on treating waste water from the production of Waleng paper with polymeric ferric sulfate is reported.
The inorganic high molecule coagulant of PFASS is synthesized with the poly-silicic acid into the solution of polymeric ferric aluminum sulfate.
Using polymeric (ferric) sulfate as remover, calcium removal rate is almost 100%. This process has characteristics of lower cost, easily controlled and not influence on the quality of products.
The structure of polymeric ferric silicate sulfate containing boron (PFSSB) was analyzed by chemical titration, transmission electron microscope and IR spectroscope.
采用化学络合滴定、透射电镜、红外光谱等方法对含硼聚硅酸硫酸铁 (PFSSB)的结构进行了分析。
The structure of polymeric ferric silicate sulfate containing boron (PFSSB) was analyzed by chemical titration, transmission electron microscope and IR spectroscope.
采用化学络合滴定、透射电镜、红外光谱等方法对含硼聚硅酸硫酸铁 (PFSSB)的结构进行了分析。