Least square method of polynomial or the method based on the given function are used to fit pump characteristic curve in pump selection or operation.
In this paper, the polynomial is adopted as basic function of finite strip method, the relative formulas have been derived.
An expression for the mean and covariance matrix of normal random matrix polynomial is derived by applying the method of matrix differentiation to generating function.
A method of standardization GPS satellite orbits using trigonometric polynomial function is put forward in this paper.
Lastly, using the compactly supported radial functional to take the place of the polynomial function, local radial point interpolation method, is presented in this paper.
Polynomial curve fitting is a usually used data fitting method. When there are too many data for fitting, only just one polynomial curve function cannot acquire good fitting effect.
A polynomial function supervising PID control method is proposed, which is based on Genetic Algorithms (GAs) for real-time control process.
In this paper, the function approximation of Gelenbe Neural Network (GNN) is discussed and it is proved that GNN can approximate any G-type polynomial by using constructional method.
The purpose is to estimate unknown parameters and nonparametric function using a polynomial spline method.
And an optimum method of producing the azimuth reference function based on polynomial model is brought out, which has improved the azimuth compression effect successfully.
A method of image threshold based on a convex polynomial fuzzy entropy is proposed by replacing Shannon's function of fuzzy entropy with a convex polynomial.
Abstract: a method of image threshold based on a convex polynomial fuzzy entropy is proposed by replacing Shannon's function of fuzzy entropy with a convex polynomial.
The dielectric property of dispersive media is written as rational polynomial function, the relation between D and E is derived in time domain. It is named shift operator FDTD (SO-FDTD) method.
The dielectric property of dispersive media is written as rational polynomial function, the relation between D and E is derived in time domain. It is named shift operator FDTD (SO-FDTD) method.