Tailings ponds contain a number of toxins that can leak into the groundwater or the Athabasca River.
The mining operation includes a tan pit mine, processing equipment, and tailings ponds, where water and minerals are stored after the oil is removed.
The open pit areas are surrounded by an array of sculpted tailings ponds and mine dump areas; these receive mine waste rock for storage and later leaching for further recovery of metals.
The paper makes a summary and analysis of the practical application of such thickening ponds for treating tailings in metallic mines over the recent years.
Mining companies must use costly 8 methods to contain the drainage, including treating it with lime and storing it in large tailings ponds.
Fine tailings produced in the milling process have traditionally been disposed of in tailings ponds, creating a waste disposal and environmental problem.
Fine tailings produced in the milling process have traditionally been disposed of in tailings ponds, creating a waste disposal and environmental problem.