Down in the rec room I lay on my side under the pool table.
The first tape contains a lot of good-natured bantering around our pool table, ending with Roger playing the saxophone for me.
The pool table is imported, it's expensive.
The same set also has a pool table, gym and so on.
I followed him to the pool table and he set things up.
OK, I'll go. OK, senior year of college... on a pool table.
There is a TV in the basement lounge (and pool table, and bar).
There was a roof deck with a pool table, and an enclosed cafe space.
They even often have meetings at the pool table or in the corridors.
He's the kind of guy you want to fight for your life on a pool table.
In full disclosure, I haven't personally bought a pool table from Ebay.
You could tell that the pool table wasn't level by the way the balls rolled.
The Aim of the game is to clear the pool table in the shortest time possible.
So I stare down at the pool table and pretend to study my opponent's next move.
Next to this is a games room with a monochrome pool table and a glazed wall facing into the landscape.
Do all class entries in the constant pool table refer to a class that is used somewhere in the class file?
My private room was acceptable, if small; there was a roof deck with a pool table, and an enclosed cafe space.
In the basement level, there is a large game room, containing a bar, pool table and a TV area for entertaining.
We find Jake near the pool table, BALANCING his chair, front wheels off the ground, while holding a tequila shot on his forehead.
It is unlike most other offices, with free Odwalla juice, random toys, a pool table, a courtyard lined with scooters and bikes, and an on-site masseuse.
The base of the rack is parallel to the end rail (the short end of the pool table) and positioned so the apex ball of the rack is located on the foot spot.
Even only two meters of paved road feel like an oasis in a desert... Miss Daisy glides across these refreshments like a billiard ball across a new pool table.
The first tape contains a lot of good-natured bantering around our pool table, ending with Roger playing the saxophone for me while our German shepherd, King, howled.
For those needing an escape from the 24-hour sunlight (or 24-hour darkness), there are lounges with televisions, a pool table and a good supply of beer and Scotch whisky.
碰到24小时的 极 昼(或 极夜)时,为了人们有个栖闲之所,休闲室内设置了电视机、台球桌,还有大量供应的啤酒和苏格兰威士忌。
For those needing an escape from the 24-hour sunlight (or 24-hour darkness), there are lounges with televisions, a pool table and a good supply of beer and Scotch whisky.
碰到24小时的 极 昼(或 极夜)时,为了人们有个栖闲之所,休闲室内设置了电视机、台球桌,还有大量供应的啤酒和苏格兰威士忌。