As a result, the researchers' model suggests, the waters down-current of a large methane plume, especially in an ocean basin with poor circulation, could lose as much as 95 percent of their oxygen.
Massive releases of methane from arctic seafloors could create oxygen-poor dead zones, acidify the seas and disrupt ecosystems in broad parts of the northern oceans, new preliminary analyses suggest.
Poor blood oxygen levels and blood vessel blockages in people with sickle-cell disease can lead to chronic acute pain syndromes, severe bacterial infections, and necrosis (tissue death).
Overall, however, clinical signs are poor predictors of hypoxaemia, and using pulse oximetry in resource-poor health facilities to target oxygen therapy is likely to save costs.
Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen, Venus far too hot, and so is Mercury, and the outer planets have temperatures near absolute zero and hydrogen-dominated atmospheres.
Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen .
Poor blood circulations affect the oxygen level in our body, we are creating a body environment for many health problems like heart disease and cancer.
Mercury is too dry and poor in oxygen.
Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen.
The professional ones knew that the concreting construction was a very headachy problem in the oxygen-poor environment.
Can also survive for weeks in oxygen-poor stagnant ponds and canals by breathing air at the surface with its functional lung.
Increased sugar consumption may therefore be due to increase in substrate availability and reduced citric acid may be due to poor heat and mass transfer and poor oxygen availability.
The conventional invasive tissue blood oxygen content measurement is poor in continuity.
There are high power consumption and poor dusting effect in conventional oxygen lances of electric furnace doors.
With problems, such as poor dissolved-oxygen caused by the high viscosity of xanthan gum in mind, the present research directions and hotspots of fermentation techniques and reactors are discussed.
With problems, such as poor dissolved-oxygen caused by the high viscosity of xanthan gum in mind , the present research directions and hotspots of fermentation techniques and reactors are discussed.
Using theory and methods of process image understanding to study on the pattern analysis for residue of sulfuric acid raw material ore in poor oxygen roast process.
Using theory and methods of process image understanding to study on the pattern analysis for residue of sulfuric acid raw material ore in poor oxygen roast process.