The N800 has a really neat feature, a little pop-out camera.
You can click the "pop-out" iconto make the video larger, or click the fullscreen iconin the upper left-hand corner for a fully immersive experience. See this all in action in the video below
你还可以点击 "弹出"按钮来扩大视频窗口也可以点击左上角的全屏标记 获得更身临其境的感受.
I like the pop you get when you pull out a cork.
The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.
Every summer when I top up my selection of summer outfits from the department stores, my eyes would nearly pop out of my head.
The slide on the left below is not horrible but the balance is off and the text does not pop out as much as it could.
The cute animals scuttle from one side of the road to the other and pop out of drains in order to avoid being hit by traffic.
Becky's solution: Cut a tiny slit in your wool gloves (assuming you don't mind slicing up your winter wear) to allow a finger to pop out whenever you need to start tapping.
Of all the things that shape who we are, few seem more arbitrary than the sequence in which we and our siblings 7 pop out of the womb.
A gust of wind made the candle pop out.
As you navigate through the application you build a stack of activities that you can then pop out of by using the back button on the phone.
This is a simple animation that makes a slice of the pie pop out when it is moused over.
Champagne bottle depletes and more pop out from the freezer.
If you find it interesting (which of course you do!) you'll tap the headline and the full article will pop out on the screen.
It combines software, a film layer on the computer screen and 3d glasses to make videos and photos pop out.
Like when the dust bunnies pop out and say hello.
Does that mean we'll eventually pop out another universe of our own?
In cognitive psychology, this is called the "pop out" effect.
As the moonlight dims - it won't go totally dark - Saturn and Regulus will pop out and sandwich the moon.
The owner, noticing that she was blonde, decided to have some fun and told her she could save some money if, when she got home she would blow real hard in the tailpipe, and the dents would pop out.
Eventually though, after many millions of years, we would pop out of our own and start a very long haul through the vast empty space between galaxies.
In each episode, certain words pop out - certain diagrams, certain colours.
Eventually though, after many millions of years, we would pop out of our own galaxy and start a very long haul through the vast empty space between galaxies.
Often it means that you can't stay in a town for very long; as a result, journalists tend to pop out for quick trips.
You turn on the device and the menus and logos pop out of the screen in bright, vivid 3D.
The European debt crisis will pop out from time to time and bring concern to the market.
As guests came to our door, he would light the pumpkin and have it pop out in front of them from a hiding place in the bushes.
As guests came to our door, he would light the pumpkin and have it pop out in front of them from a hiding place in the bushes.