The necessary population inversion can be achieved in a variety of ways .
The value of atomic population inversion in a Yurke-Stoler coherent state is between them.
The possible mechanisms of population inversion under the average high temperature condition has been analysed.
Chemical laser is characteristically energized by an exoergic chemical reaction which produces the necessary population inversion of lasing species.
Being very high intensity, this focus induces a population inversion in the oxygen atoms, ensuring that there are more excited than non-excited atoms.
With the increase of the average photon number of the coherent light field, the oscillation frequency of the atomic population inversion increases correspondingly.
Microwave emission lines with anomalous intensity ratio would be produced when the relativistic electrons move through a, molecular cloud with a certain population inversion.
When the squeezing coefficient of the initial field increases, the frequency of collapse-revival in atomic population inversion increases, and the amplitude of revival decreases.
Using rate equation theory, the equation group including the population inversion density of the gain medium, photon density and the absorber ground state population density is acquired.
It should be noted that the atomic coupling coefficient exhibits the nonlinear effect and the entanglement measure oscillates periodically in accordance with atomic population inversion.
In this doubly Q-switched laser, the AO Q-switch is used to control the pulse repetition rate and allow the laser medium to store energy to ensure that the population inversion is fully saturated.
When decay rate in the coupling channel is greater than that in the probe channel, the incoherent population pumping in the probe channel can create the gain without inversion.
When decay rate in the coupling channel is greater than that in the probe channel, the incoherent population pumping in the probe channel can create the gain without inversion.